BSE's contracted vendors can get access to the trading data in different ways:
- Directly, by connection via a leased line or internet to the vendor server of the service provider of the BSE, Wiener Börse AG. In case of connecting via leased line, they shall pay a technical connection fee.
- By connecting to another BSE vendor, thus becoming a subvendor, with access to BSE data via the vendor’s technical system. In such cases, they have no obligation to pay a technical fee to BSE.
- In the subscribes to the end-of-day data service, BSE provides the possibility – for a technical data access fee – of obtaining the data from the Exchange via an FTP protocol.
Vendor data flow
Files accessable on WBAG vendor server:
- A real-time file, continuously updated during the day, contains information on orders and transactions generated during BSE trading.
- The end-of-day file is uploaded also to the vendor server of BSE after trading is closed. This file contains part of the data originated during the day, the official daily closing prices and statistics, as well as a list on all products admitted to trading on the next exchange day, together with their most important characteristics.
- Since 1 November 2007, OTC transaction data comprising the OTC package can be accessed in a separate real-time file.
BSE Technical Specifications give a detailed description on technical connection, data transmission and data formats.
BSE operators provide permanent telephone and email support to the vendor clients, if necessary, throughout the period when the vendor files are available.
In connection with any other technical questions regarding vendor data services, please contact the BSE Vendor team.