One of the main focus areas has been financial education, with particular attention to youth, through the following initiatives:
- BSE Academy: a free stock exchange course for the public. The most influential experts on the Hungarian capital market present about the world of the stock market focusing on topics such as domestic and foreign equity investments, current market trends, or asset allocation.
- Online game: a game designed for high-school students to raise awareness and expand stock market knowledge. The game allows players to discover the world of the stock market and gain valuable experience and knowledge without risking their own money. It had a big success in 2016 and 2017 as well.
- Group visits: BSE regularly organizes free educational visits for groups of students interested in the stock exchange. Participants can get acquainted with the stock exchange world through an interactive presentation and they can try the BSE bell, too.
- BSE regularly holds professional lectures for university students, and attends professional conferences.
In addition to educational initiatives, BSE has been supporting the Magic Lamp Wish Granting Foundation for years, which intends to make life a little happier for children suffering from life-threatening illness. Beside the financial support, BSE staff are involved in the process as well.