Regulated Market - Securities Issued for a Limited Term (Except government securities)

Initial listing fee

The Issuer of a series shall pay a fee for having the series listed on the Exchange. The fee for listing shall be 0.01% of the total face value of the series of securities but in any case, at least HUF 100,000. In the case of debt securities with an annuity, the amount of the initial listing fee is 0.01% of the outstanding capital on the day of listing. The total annual amount of fees paid by a single Issuer for having its fixed term securities series listed on the Exchange shall be no more than HUF 8 million per annum.

Listing maintenance fee

An Issuer of a listed series of securities shall pay a maintenance fee for having the series quoted on the Exchange. The annual maintenance fee shall be 0.0114% of the total face value as a percentage value of the series of securities.

In the case of any series issued within the framework of a bond or a mortgage bond program, the annual maintenance fee shall be 0.0057% of the total face value of the series of securities as a percentage value.


Approval fee of ID

The Issuer shall pay HUF 200.000 as a fee for approving the Information Document.

Registration fee

The registration fee is an amount of 0.01% of the Total Nominal Value of the registered series of securities calculated on the day of registration. In the case of annuity debt securities, the registration fee is 0.01% of the Total Remaining Capital on the day of registration. The total annual amount of fees paid by a single Issuer for having its fixed term securities series listed on the Exchange shall be no more than HUF 6 million per annum, and going to change to HUF 8 million from the 1st of January 2022.

Listing maintenance fee

The amount of the maintenance fee is 0.01% of the Total Nominal Value of the security series as a projection basis, and going to change to 0.0114% from the 1st of January 2022.

Calculating the total nominal value as a percentage value

The total nominal value shall be calculated four times a year, following the current quarter.

For each Exchange day of the current quarter, the Total Nominal Value shall be the simple mathematical average of daily total face value (in the case of series of securities with annuity: the total outstanding capital determined by KELER for of the given day) data established as a product of multiplication of a given day’s face value (in the case of a series of securities with annuity: the outstanding capital of the given day) and the number of listed securities.