The equities may be listed in three different markets:
Prime Market
To be listed on the Prime Market, the instrument must meet several criteria regarding market capitalisation, ownership structure (free-float) and corporate history. Furthermore, the Issuer shall make a public transaction that refers to the equity series to be listed. The share series on Equities Prime Market are more liquid in general and have a broader ownership structure.
Standard Market
For small and medium-sized enterprises who wish to skip the T Market as the access point to the regulated market and consider executing a public transaction at their initial listing, BSE provides opportunity to enter the market with less stringent listing requirements than those called for on the Prime Market. Listing criteria on Equities Standard Market are indentical to the legal requirements stipulated by the Capital Market Act; however, carrying out a public transaction is also mandatory at listing.
The Equities T Market ceased to exist as from May 2, 2022.
Budapest Stock Exchange reclassified all equity series from the Equities T Market to the Standard Equities Market.